Soon Available as Narrated PowerPoint Lectures on CD-ROM for Audio Slideshow Viewing on Computers

The Western Mystery Tradition: Gnosticism
Weekend Fri-Sat September 22-23, 2001, at Cupertino Campus, UCSC Extension

In a weekend of PowerPoint lectures, video presentations, readings, and discussions, we will explore Jewish, Christian, and Hermetic Gnostic spiritual movements from ancient through modern times.

Suggested texts:

The Other Bible, ed. W. Barnstone
The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden, ed. F. Crane

Other collections of the Nag Hammadi Coptic Gnostic literature, especially the Gospel of Thomas



the western mystery tradition:  Ancient 

Weekends TBA Spring or Summer 2002, Cupertino Campus

Ancient Mystery Traditions
X431 Humanities (1)

World religions and spirituality have always developed in the wake of talented founders who were initiated into the mysticism and practice of shamanic, yogic, prophetic, philosophical or other "inner school" traditions. In the West, the history of these initiatic schools from ancient to modern times is called the Western Mystery Tradition. The esoteric schools, whether Eleusinian, Pythagorean, Essenian, Gnostic, Kabbalistic, Chivalric, or Freemasonic, are known as Mystery Schools, from a Greek root meaning "to hide from the eyes of the profane."

We will explore the following ancient and Hellenistic topics:






Period:  1st through 12th Centuries

Neo-Platonic and Hermetic Mysticism; Mani and Manichaeism; Alchemical Mysticism; Comacine Tradition; Jewish Kabbalah; Celtic Christianity (Arian and Gnostic);  Merovingian “Holy Blood” Dynasty;  Carolingian Catholic Holy Roman Empire;  Orders of Chivalry;  Carolingian Enlightenment;  the “Matter of Brittany” and the Arthurian Legends.

Video:  Kabbalah


Section Two:  HERESY

Period:  12th-15th Centuries

Publicans; Cathari, Bogomiles, Gypsies, Mystics and Other Suppressed Heretical Traditions;  the Knights Templar;  the Shroud of Turin and Other Grail Relics; Protestantism

Video:  The Knights Templar;  The Shroud of Turin



Period:  16th-17th Centuries

Corpus Hermeticum;  the Art of Memory;  Macrocosm and Microcosm in Art;  Kabbalah;  Alchemy;  the Rosicrucian Movement

Video:  Alchemy

Handouts:  The FamaRosslyn Chapel and Early Scottish Freemasonry  

Suggested Book: Frances Yeats, Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition



Period: 17th-18th Centuries

Lord Bacon;  English Rosicrucians; English Lodges; French and European Lodges;  American Lodges

Video:  Freemasonry


Section Five:  ILLUMINISM

Period:  18th-19th Centuries

The Illuminati and the Fratres Lucis; the Comte de St. Germain; Cagliostro and Egyptian Freemasonry;  Martinezism and Martinism;  Rites of  Memphis-Mizraim;  French Occult Renaissance  

Handout:  Martinism

Suggested Book: Isabel Cooper-Oakley, The Comte de St. Germain


Period:  19th Century

AMERICA: Johnny Appleseed, Swedenborgianism, and the American Frontier; Fox Sisters and the  Spiritualism of Lincoln; Mormonism; Science of Mind;  Transcendentalism; Blavatsky’s New York Group, the Esoteric Section, and Halcyon, CA  EUROPE:  Gnostic Ecclesia and Papus; Pope vs. Freemasons; ; Women’s Freemasonry, Rites of Adoption, and Co-Masonry; Blavatsky and the Indian-Tibetan Masters;  Mathers and Golden Dawn;  Yarker, Reuss, OTO, FRA, SRA, etc.

Video:  Tour of Halcyon Theosophical Community

Suggested Book: Joscelyn Godwin et. Al, The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor  



Period: 19th-20th Centuries

Suggested Book: Countess Constance Wachtmeister, Reminiscences of H.P. Blavatsky and the Secret Doctrine

Freemasonry Spawn:  Lions, Rotary, Odd Fellows, etc.;  Steiner and Anthroposophy; Crowley; Dion Fortune and  the Servants of Light;  Paul Foster Case and B.O.T.A.;  Edgar Cayce;  Roerichs and Agni Yoga;  Annie Besant, Krishnamurti, Alice Bailey, and Splintering of Theosophy; Priory of Sion; Gnostic Ecclesiae; L.C.C. and Independent Episcopate; AMORC and other American Rosicrucian Organizations;  Godfre Ray King and the “I Am” Movement;  Unity Church; Revivals of Templar, G.D., etc.;  WICCA; THG; Male-Female Freemasonry

Video:  Roerich

Suggested Book: Kyriacos C. Markides, The Magus of Strovolos



Period: 20th Century

Theosophical Blend of “Esoteric Buddhism” and Hindu Vedanta;  the new spiritual language (karma, reincarnation, nirvana, etc.);  the Asian Brotherhood of the Gold and Rosy Cross, OTO, GD, and Other European East-West Blends (tatwas, chakras, pranayama, etc.);  The Gospel of Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, and the World’s Fair;  Beatniks, Allan Watts, and Zen Buddhism;  the Tibetan Disapora and Shambalah Moves West;  the discovery of native and ethnic adepts (India, Cyprus, South America, Central America, Philippines, etc.);  toward a New World Theosophy and a Twenty-First Century Mystery School  

Suggested Book: Tim Storlie and Grailmaster, Initiation into the Grail Mysteries

Handout: Temple of the Holy Grail


Mar Yeshua: 

The Unknown Jesus

Weekends of April 6th-7th (Part I) and May 5th-6th (Part II)
UCSC Extension, Cupertino Campus

Jesus taught and practiced in a context of Jewish Messianic and Gnostic mysticism that scholars have only recently been able to understand. The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nag Hammadi Coptic Gnostic Library, the literature of Second Temple Judaism, and historical relics like the Shroud of Turin have revealed a Jesus very different from that of Christian theology.

Prophet, rabbi, and Messianic saint, Jesus was above all a Jewish Master (Mar) or spiritual adept--what in Greek culture was known as a Theios Aner or Divine Man.  He practiced psychism, soul-travel, exorcism, healing, control over elilim or elemental spirits, mystic communion with other Jewish masters of the Qimah or Resurrection like Moses and Elijah, and Divine Communion at the Merkabah or Throne of God.  Recent evidence from the Shroud of Turin indicates that he performed his greatest miracle after death--the Qimah of the flesh, which was said to have been achieved only by Enoch, Moses, and Elijah.


Lewis Keizer, The Authentic Jesus: A Guide to Aramaic Idioms, Recent Research, and the Original Message of Jesus Christ  (Santa Cruz, CA: Home Temple Press, 1998)

The Other Bible, ed. W. Barnstone
The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden, ed. F. Crane
The Holy Bible, R.S.V. Books recommended at the end of The Authentic Jesus

INTRODUCTION: Syllabus, Handouts, and Schedule of Topic

TOPIC ONE:  Introduction to Jesus Studies and Resources

TOPIC TWO: Jewish Prophetic and Priestly Mysticism

TOPIC THREE: Second Temple Kabbalistic Mysticism

·         Merkabah, Wisdom, Messianic, and Apocalyptic schools, communities, literature, and tradition from the period of the Second Temple (200 B.C.E. - 135 C.E.)

·         The Enochian, Davidic, Solomonic, and Sibylline traditions (READINGS from OTHER BIBLE)

·         Messianic Mysticism in Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs and other Jewish scripture (READINGS from LOST BOOKS)

·         The Kabbalistic Subtle Bodies

·         Jewish Exorcism and the Problem of Spirit Possession (VIDEO)

·         Miraculous Powers: Prophets, Masters, and Disciples

  TOPIC FOUR: The NAME of God: Harmonic Intoning

TOPIC FIVE: Views of the Coming Messiah or Christ

  TOPIC SIX: The Vocabulary of Mar Jeshua

TOPIC SEVEN: The Life of Jesus (Ref. Keizer's new novel, Yeshua: The Unknown Jesus)  

TOPIC EIGHT: Ritual and Practices of Mar Yeshua

  HAVURAH MEAL (12 Noon)
Each student is asked to bring something to share for a ritualized Potluck meal:





We will supply paper plates, plastic utensils, napkins, and paper cups.

  TOPIC NINE:  The Burial Shroud of Mar Yeshua



The Medieval Hermetic Sciences:
Alchemy, Astrology, and Kabbalistic Magic: 

Weekends April 6th-7th (Part I) and May 5th-6th (Part II) Spring 2002, Cupertino Campus, 

UCSC Extension


  1. The Ancient Divine Sciences:
    1. Egyptian Hieratic Traditions of Heliopolis, Memphis, Thebes, and Hermopolis
    2. Greek Mysteries, Oracles, Magic, and Philosophical Schools     VIDEO: A&E Secrets at Delphi
    3. Jewish Shamanic, Priestly, Wisdom, Merkabah, and Proto-Kabbalistic Mysticism
    4. Babylonian-Persian (Chaldean) Astrology and Theurgical Magic
    5. Christian and Gnostic Schools of Initiation and Salvation
    6. Alexandrian Synthesis:  Alchemy, Astrology, Theurgy, and Neo-Platonic Soul-Ascent
  2. Understanding Ancient and Medieval Astrology from an Astronomical Perspective
    1. Demonstrations with CD-ROM Red Shift; Hands-on Work with Solar Motion Demonstrator
    2. History of Astrology  VIDEO:  A&E Riddle of the Zodiac
    3. Casting the Natal Horoscope (Done by Each Student)
    4. Learning the Astrological Symbols of Ptolemy’s Almagest
    5. Drawing the Medieval Square Horoscope and Interpreting Signs, Planets, and Angles
  3. Astrological Prophecy: Nostradamus
    1. Progressing the Natal Chart to Predict Future Influences
    2. VIDEO:  A&E  Nostradamus: Prophet of Doom
    3. Analyzing Specific Prophecies of Nostradamus
  4. History and Development of Alchemy
    1. Alexandrian; Chinese and Indian; Islamic
    2. European VIDEO: A&E Alchemy: The Science of Magic
    3. The Magnum Opus and its Astrological-Chemical Symbols
  5. History and Development of Kabbalah
    1. Sepher Ha-Ratzim and Solomonic Angel Magic
    2. Sepher Yetzirah and the Book of Genesis
    3. Kabbalah and Medieval Jewish Communities
    4. Medieval Christian Qabbalah or Cabala and Schools of Theurgical Magic  VIDEO:  The Magick of Solomon
  6. Philosophical Alchemy: The Philosopher’s Stone and Symbolic Spiritual Regeneration
    1. Splendor Solis: The  Conventional Stages of the Magnum Opus
    2. Book of Lambspring;  The Symbolism of Animals
    3. Chymical Wedding of C.R.;  Osirian Symbolism
  7. Practical Alchemy
    1. Albertus Magnus, Roger Bacon, Trithemius, Cornelius Agrippa, The Secret of Secrets
    2. The Laboratory Alchemists and Their Tools
    3. Symbols for Chemical Processes
    4. Paracelsus: The Treasure of Treasures for Alchemists
  8. The Hermetic Renaissance
    1. Ficino, Pico, Bruno, and the Corpus Hermeticum
    2. Shakespeare’s Tempest and Prospero:  The Ideal Hermetic Mage
    3. The Rosicrucian Enlightenment: Dee, Fludd, Meier, etc.
    4. Esoteric Freemasonry and the Illuminist Movement
    5. Schools of Elias Artista, Egyptian Freemasonry, Elus Cohen, Martinism
  9. Modern Hermetic Schools and Their Web Sites
    1. Golden Dawn, O.T.O., Rosicrucian, Gnostic, Alchemical
    2. The Tarot Connection
    3. Contemporary Interest in the Hermetic Sciences